When you buy a vacation property in Garden City Beach or Murrells Inlet, SC do you need to be concerned about confirmed vacation rentals?

Let’s say the property you are buying has been used by the seller as a vacation property. Most likely, the seller has booked rentals that will happen after your closing.

You DO need to be aware of those confirmed rentals.

As a buyer, you need to honor ANY CONFIRMED rentals within 90 days of your closing date.

What does this mean for a buyer?

If you are planning to use that property as an investment property, those confirmed rentals really make no difference to you because you want that investment income.

If you are planning to use that property for a personal vacation property, then it definitely does make a difference and you do need to be aware of those rental dates. You will not be able to use that property during the time it is rented.

Comment below if you have any questions about buying a vacation property in Garden City Beach or Murrells Inlet, SC!

Kathy Rukat Smith
Palmetto Coastal Homes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exploremurrellsinlet
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kathyrukatsmith